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Next Generation Solution to Quality and Efficient Sample Prep for Single-Cell Multiomics Precision Oncology

Our July 27, 2021 APAC webinar featured Proteona Chief Science Officer Jonathan Scolnick, Ph.D. and Curiox Biosystems Associate Director of Bioapplications, Chyan Ying Ke, Ph.D.

Proteona is a precision oncology company that developed a single-cell multiomics data collection and interpretation pipeline which informs on clinical decisions to improve patient’s outcomes. As Proteona uses Laminar Wash technology to process all their clinical samples, our speakers discussed how upgrading from the centrifuge helps enable single-cell ‘omics studies.

In this webinar, you will learn: 

  • How Proteona approaches single-cell multiomics
  • Insights gleaned from single-cell analysis for precision oncology
  • Specific workflow challenges associated with single-cell multiomics – How Curiox Laminar Wash™ technology addresses single-cell ‘omics sample prep
  • How Curiox enables single-cell multiomics data collection at Proteona

Learn more.