The GENTIL Method for Isolation of Human Adult Cardiomyocytes from Cryopreserved Tissue for Proteomic Analyses
Waknitz, M., Luecke, L. B., Mesidor, R., Wojtkiewicz, M., Castro, C., & Gundry, R. L. (2023). Methods in Molecular Biology, 145–167. Heart failure is a serious clinical and economic health care problem, and its clinical progression is linked to pathological cardiac remodeling. Due to the heterogeneity of heart failure, lack of animal models to […]
Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Novel Analytical Technologies Provide a New Perspective on a Complex Organ
Now Watching The heart is a 380-million-year-old organ, yet we do not have a complete understanding of the molecular landscape in the normal human adult heart. Of the many molecule classes present in the heart, we are especially lacking in our understanding of the cell surface proteins present on different cell types in the heart. […]
Surfaceome mapping of primary human heart cells with CellSurfer uncovers cardiomyocyte surface protein LSMEM2 and proteome dynamics in failing hearts
Luecke, L. B., Waas, M., Littrell, J., Wojtkiewicz, M., Castro, C., Burkovetskaya, M., Schuette, E. N., Buchberger, A. R., Churko, J. M., Chalise, U., Waknitz, M., Konfrst, S., Teuben, R., Morrissette-McAlmon, J., Mahr, C., Anderson, D. R., Boheler, K. R., & Gundry, R. L. (2023). Nature Cardiovascular Research, 2(1), 76–95. Cardiac cell surface proteins […]