Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Novel Analytical Technologies Provide a New Perspective on a Complex Organ
Now Watching The heart is a 380-million-year-old organ, yet we do not have a complete understanding of the molecular landscape in the normal human adult heart. Of the many molecule classes present in the heart, we are especially lacking in our understanding of the cell surface proteins present on different cell types in the heart. […]
Overcoming challenges of Nuclei and Cell Preparation: A scientific perspective by S2 genomics and Curiox Story
Now Watching Single-cell transcriptome analysis has been extensively applied in humans and animal models to uncover gene expression heterogeneity between the different cell types of a tissue or an organ. Upstream processing may introduce inherent challenges that mask true analysis and increase user variability. Here we present a simple, yet combinatorial strategy from buffer and […]
Impact of Novel Curiox Laminar Wash on Nuclei Retention and Other Downstream Applications
Now Watching Cell type-specific nuclei populations can be used for a wide range of downstream sequencing applications including transcriptomic and epigenomic analyses. Cerevance’s breakthrough use of Laminar Wash™ Technology in their proprietary NETSseq platform has enabled an improvement in nuclei retention as well as reagent cost reductions and time savings. This Labroots Webinar features David […]
Comprehensive Benchmarking of CITE-seq versus DOGMA-seq Single Cell Multimodal Omics
READ BIORXIV While single-cell multiomics techniques represent a growing dictionary for generating enormous insight into cell biology, objective assessments of utility, strengths, and weaknesses are lacking. Researchers at the the University of Pittsburgh compared trimodal (transcription, epitopes, and chromatin accessibility) DOGMA-Seq to bimodal (transcription and epitopes) CITE-seq to benchmark and optimize sample prep using Laminar […]
Enabling Single-cell Multiomics and Cell Hashing in Studies with Limited Numbers of Cells
Now Watching Our October 19, 2021 webinar featured University of Gothenburg Associate Professor of Immunology Mats Bemark, Ph.D. and Curiox Biosystems Marketing & Content Manager, Geoffrey Feld, Ph.D. Dr. Bemark studies mucosal immunology, with particular focus on the gut and gut-related infections like cholera, and recently has been working on COVID-19 with human severe disease samples. His […]
Next Generation Solution to Quality and Efficient Sample Prep for Single-Cell Multiomics Precision Oncology
Now Watching Our July 27, 2021 APAC webinar featured Proteona Chief Science Officer Jonathan Scolnick, Ph.D. and Curiox Biosystems Associate Director of Bioapplications, Chyan Ying Ke, Ph.D. Proteona is a precision oncology company that developed a single-cell multiomics data collection and interpretation pipeline which informs on clinical decisions to improve patient’s outcomes. As Proteona uses Laminar Wash technology […]
A Missing Sample Prep Tool for Single-Cell Biology is Found
Gentle and semi-automated Laminar Wash™ technology removes background, debris, doublets, and dead time, extending single-cell ‘omics budgets. Single-cell ‘omics technologies are achieving a new paradigm in biology. As Eadweard Muybridge applied photography to settle the “unsupported transit” controversy surrounding the 19th century galloping horse, immunologists are utilizing single-cell transcriptomics (scRNA) to tease apart the heterogeneity […]
Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analyses Define Distinct Peripheral B Cell Subsets and Discrete Development Pathways
READ FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY Stewart A., Ng JC-F, Wallis G, et al. Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analyses Define Distinct Peripheral B Cell Subsets and Discrete Development Pathways. Front. Immunol. 2021;12:602539. Subscribe to our newsletter Get updates about upcoming webinar technical application information and product announcements when you subscribe to the Curiox newsletter.