Laminar Wash MINI000 Virtual Demonstration with CITE-Seq Protocol

Now Watching This video demonstrates the daily operation and utility of the Laminar WashTM MINI1000 system, hosted by Curiox Biosystems scientist Amira Amilia, and features a common protocol example in setting up a CITE-Seq (Cellular Indexing of Transcriptomes and Epitopes by Sequencing) staining assay. Comprised of a proprietary 16-well “wall-less” strip and a fluidics instrument, the MINI1000 is the […]

Building a custom assay with the Laminar Wash AUTO1000 User Interface

Now Watching The AUTO1000 is a turnkey, fully automated solution for preparing cell-based samples for flow or mass cytometry that features an intuitive user interface, enabling straightforward assay building. At ASGCT 2021, Curiox Biosystems Automation Scientist Ann Wang demonstrated how to design a custom staining assay for flow cytometry on the Laminar Wash AUTO1000 using the graphic user interface. Please […]

Laminar Wash HT2000 plus Buffer Exchanger Virtual Demonstration

Now Watching This video demonstrates the daily operation and utility of the Laminar WashTM HT2000 system, outfitted with a buffer exchanger to facilitate automation. Comprised of a prepriatary 96-well “wall-less” plate and a robotic fluidics instrument, the HT2000 is the ideal solution to the reproducible and hands-free preparation of suspension cell samples for flow cytometry and single-cell ‘omics applications. Additionally, […]

Automated flow cytometry staining protocol video

Now Watching This video demonstrates the AUTO1000 accomplishing an automated standard cell staining protocol to prepare samples for analysis by flow cytometry. The video is set at 40X speed. Notice how fast the Laminar Wash step is executed, relative to the “rate limiting steps” of automatic pipetting, as well as how clear those wells are after washing! Highlights […]

Single Cell Genomics Workflow with Laminar Wash (LW) in Biosafety Cabinet

Now Watching Description Single cell genomics provide valuable information on the profiles and differences between individual cells from a heterogenous cell population, such as immune profiling of tumor microenvironments. Preparation of single cell suspensions for single cell genomic applications is crucial to obtaining high quality sequencing data. Factors such as poor cell retention and contamination […]

Curiox LT Washing Station: Unpacking and Dummy Wash

Now Watching Description Drop Array systems enable the collection of high quality multiplex immunoassay data. Whether you are anticipating the arrival of your new Drop Array System, considering making a purchase or even just looking around, here is what you can expect when your package from Curiox arrives. Along in this unboxing video are detailed […]