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Undoing Roadblocks with the HT2000 and PAA

Laminar Wash™ HT 2000 Sample Preparation System PLUS the Peak Analysis and Automation (PAA) S-Lab Automated Plate Handler integration 

Automation is the key to solving “road blocks” of all kinds. Automated processes minimize variability, eliminate error, and increase throughput. Whether it is the toll road systems or laboratory workflows such as sample preparation, efficient and user-friendly automation has many benefits:  

  • Time Savings 
  • Reproducibility  
  • Shorten Turnaround Time 
  • Free Up Personnel  
  • Drive Standardization  

Unlike semi-automated or fully automated sample preparation workstations built around the traditional methods, such as centrifugation, the Laminar Wash™ HT 2000 System is compatible with a range of robotic plate mover systems. This video demonstrates the seamless integration of Laminar Wash™ HT 2000 Sample Preparation System with the Peak Analysis and Automation (PAA) S-Lab Automated Plate Handler to facilitate antibody screening, cell and gene therapy analytical and process development, and other high throughput applications where hands-off time, reproducibility, and analytical data quality are of high importance.  

To learn more about how you can automate your sample preparation workflow with the Laminar Wash™ HT 2000 System.  

Please visit the Laminar Wash™ HT 2100 System pagedownload the brochure and/or contact us 

Other relevant video(s):  

Integration of Curiox Laminar Wash HT2000 with Thermo Scientific™ Orbitor™ and PAA S-Lab Plate Handlers