Single-Cell Sequencing

Treat your cells gently in preparation for your critical applications

How Curiox Can Help

  • Maintain cell integrity and viability
  • Minimize cellular stress
  • Reduce cell clumping and unwashed residual nucleic acids

Learn more 

Single-cell sequencing enables the analysis of the genomic, transcriptomic, or epigenomic information from individual cells. This approach provides a high-resolution view of cellular heterogeneity within a tissue or population, which is critical for understanding complex biological systems, disease mechanisms, and developmental processes.

Unlike bulk sequencing, which provides average information from a large number of cells, single-cell sequencing reveals the unique characteristics of each cell. This approach can detect low-abundance transcripts and rare cell types. It also helps in identifying distinct cell populations, states, and lineages within a complex tissue.

Single-cell sequencing starts by isolating individual cells using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), microfluidics, or droplet-based methods. Each cell is then lysed to release its genetic material, which is then amplified and prepared into a sequencing library. Libraries are then sequenced followed by data analysis using bioinformatics tools.

Key applications include cancer research, developmental biology, immunology, neuroscience, and regenerative medicine.

Benefits include:
  • Detailed insights from high-resolution data on individual cells
  • Discovery of rare cell types
  • Helps in mapping cell development and differentiation pathways
  • Enables precise characterization of patient-specific cellular responses and disease mechanisms
Single-cell sequencing needs high quality sample preparation in order to produce high-quality data. This is especially important for single-cell gene expression and immune profiling. Unlike flow cytometry, gating out debris or groups of cells is not possible. Therefore, cell preparation must be as clean as possible and yield single cells.

How Curiox Can Help

The process of gently washing cells is integral to Curiox C-FREE and Curiox Laminar Wash technologies, where cell washing can be done without centrifugal forces. This maintains cell integrity and viability, while ensuring gene or protein expression changes are biological, not due to your sample preparation workflow.

Poor cell washing can negatively impact single-cell sequencing via cell clumping, poor cell retention with already low cell counts, and unwashed residual nucleic acids. Erroneous gene expression results can also be induced by the cellular stress on samples that centrifugation can cause. Save time with fewer manual manipulations, and improved results using Curiox products. 

Curiox (Laminar Wash) really helps retain high numbers of cells.
Antonino Montalbano, PhD
Formerly at ImmunAI; now with Vor Bio

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