White Paper—Flow Cytometric HLA Crossmatch Workflow with the Curiox Laminar Wash HT2000
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Integrating Centrifuge Independent and Time Efficient Automated Washing in Flow Cytometry Crossmatching
Now Watchinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaq_8XIfIDA Description Dr. Prabhakar Putheti, Assistant Director for Immunogenetics and Transplantation Laboratory (IGT), the Rogosin Institute and Assistant Professor, Weill Cornell Medical College, presents, “Integrating Centrifuge-Independent and Time Efficient Automated Washing in Flow Cytometry Crossmatching”. Dr. Putheti will discuss how the Laminar Wash system improved his workflow for flow cytometry crossmatching.
White Paper—Handling Frozen Lymphocytes for HLA Flow Crossmatches Using Laminar Flow
Now Watchinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-Hi4s19lQc Description Blanca Ponce-Ngo was the Transplant Immunology Lab Manager at Montefiore Medical Center in NY. Her webinar focuses on three main topics related to the handling of frozen samples for HLA Crossmatching as follows: 1) Comprehensive transfer of a Flow Crossmatching Assay 2) Impact of using frozen samples required by the National Kidney […]