Future-Proofing Single Cell Applications

Now Watchinghttps://youtu.be/wL2tsRsL9TA Technology has evolved from those early days of batching thousands of cells together to decrypt the millions of base pairs that make up genetic information. Cellular Indexing of Transcriptomes and Epitopes by sequencing (CITE-seq), brings together surface protein phenotyping (similar to flow cytometry) and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq). This is achieved by using […]

Undoing Roadblocks with the HT2000 and PAA

Now Watchinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU5TyFURoRc Laminar Wash™ HT 2000 Sample Preparation System PLUS the Peak Analysis and Automation (PAA) S-Lab Automated Plate Handler integration  Automation is the key to solving “road blocks” of all kinds. Automated processes minimize variability, eliminate error, and increase throughput. Whether it is the toll road systems or laboratory workflows such as sample preparation, […]

Overcoming challenges of Nuclei and Cell Preparation: A scientific perspective by S2 genomics and Curiox Story

Now Watchinghttps://youtu.be/inLymDAn4EI Single-cell transcriptome analysis has been extensively applied in humans and animal models to uncover gene expression heterogeneity between the different cell types of a tissue or an organ. Upstream processing may introduce inherent challenges that mask true analysis and increase user variability. Here we present a simple, yet combinatorial strategy from buffer and […]

Severe COVID-19 infection is associated with aberrant cytokine production by infected lung epithelial cells rather than by systemic immune dysfunction

READ NATURE PORTFOLIO PREPRINT Researchers at the University of Chicago used their Laminar Wash HT2000 system to safely prepare peripheral immune cells from COVID-19 patients with moderate and severe disease for flow cytometry in a biosafety cabinet. This preprint manuscript in a Nature family journal reveals how increased IL-6 and CCL2 in patients with severe […]

Laminar Wash MINI000 Virtual Demonstration with CITE-Seq Protocol

Now Watchinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrvllFVj3K0 This video demonstrates the daily operation and utility of the Laminar WashTM MINI1000 system, hosted by Curiox Biosystems scientist Amira Amilia, and features a common protocol example in setting up a CITE-Seq (Cellular Indexing of Transcriptomes and Epitopes by Sequencing) staining assay. Comprised of a proprietary 16-well “wall-less” strip and a fluidics instrument, the MINI1000 is the […]

Quick Reference Guide—MINI1000 System

Print out this PDF and place next to your MINI1000, or download it to your phone for easy access and sharing with colleagues. Laminar Wash MINI1000 Instrument Quick Reference Guide

Quick Reference Guide—HT2000 System

Print out this PDF and place next to your HT2000, or download it to your phone for easy access and sharing with colleagues. View Laminar Wash HT2000 Quick Reference Guide

Laminar Wash HT2000 plus Buffer Exchanger Virtual Demonstration

Now Watchinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4TGUjS_bDg This video demonstrates the daily operation and utility of the Laminar WashTM HT2000 system, outfitted with a buffer exchanger to facilitate automation. Comprised of a prepriatary 96-well “wall-less” plate and a robotic fluidics instrument, the HT2000 is the ideal solution to the reproducible and hands-free preparation of suspension cell samples for flow cytometry and single-cell ‘omics applications. Additionally, […]

Integration of Curiox Laminar Wash HT2000 with Thermo Scientific Orbitor and PAA S-Lab Plate Handlers

Now Watchinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEsZ9VpO2eo In this video, the utility of the Laminar Wash HT2000 system for automating cell suspension sample prep workflows is demonstrated. The HT2000 instrument is compatible with a range of robotic plate mover systems to facilitate antibody screening, cell and gene therapy analytical and process development, and other high throughput applications where hands-off time, reproducibility, and […]