Future-Proofing Single Cell Applications

Now Watchinghttps://youtu.be/wL2tsRsL9TA Technology has evolved from those early days of batching thousands of cells together to decrypt the millions of base pairs that make up genetic information. Cellular Indexing of Transcriptomes and Epitopes by sequencing (CITE-seq), brings together surface protein phenotyping (similar to flow cytometry) and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq). This is achieved by using […]

Overcoming challenges of Nuclei and Cell Preparation: A scientific perspective by S2 genomics and Curiox Story

Now Watchinghttps://youtu.be/inLymDAn4EI Single-cell transcriptome analysis has been extensively applied in humans and animal models to uncover gene expression heterogeneity between the different cell types of a tissue or an organ. Upstream processing may introduce inherent challenges that mask true analysis and increase user variability. Here we present a simple, yet combinatorial strategy from buffer and […]

Comprehensive Benchmarking of CITE-seq versus DOGMA-seq Single Cell Multimodal Omics

READ BIORXIV While single-cell multiomics techniques represent a growing dictionary for generating enormous insight into cell biology, objective assessments of utility, strengths, and weaknesses are lacking. Researchers at the the University of Pittsburgh compared trimodal (transcription, epitopes, and chromatin accessibility) DOGMA-Seq to bimodal (transcription and epitopes) CITE-seq to benchmark and optimize sample prep using Laminar […]

Nuclei Need Nurturing, Too

Laminar Wash™ benefits of automation and gentle cell-based sample preparation can also be extended to nuclei Analytical methods on individual cells provide an enormous amount of useful information. But not all tissue types lend themselves to preparing single cell suspensions necessary for flow cytometry or single-cell ‘omics analysis. Homogenization and dissociation of interconnected tissues such […]

Next Generation Solution to Quality and Efficient Sample Prep for Single-Cell Multiomics Precision Oncology

Now Watchinghttps://youtu.be/6lZ5VnjRkwI Our July 27, 2021 APAC webinar featured Proteona Chief Science Officer Jonathan Scolnick, Ph.D. and Curiox Biosystems Associate Director of Bioapplications, Chyan Ying Ke, Ph.D. Proteona is a precision oncology company that developed a single-cell multiomics data collection and interpretation pipeline which informs on clinical decisions to improve patient’s outcomes. As Proteona uses Laminar Wash technology […]

A Missing Sample Prep Tool for Single-Cell Biology is Found

Gentle and semi-automated Laminar Wash™ technology removes background, debris, doublets, and dead time, extending single-cell ‘omics budgets. Single-cell ‘omics technologies are achieving a new paradigm in biology. As Eadweard Muybridge applied photography to settle the “unsupported transit” controversy surrounding the 19th century galloping horse, immunologists are utilizing single-cell transcriptomics (scRNA) to tease apart the heterogeneity […]

Single Cell Genomics Workflow with Laminar Wash (LW) in Biosafety Cabinet

Now Watchinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bMAZ9cP75g Description Single cell genomics provide valuable information on the profiles and differences between individual cells from a heterogenous cell population, such as immune profiling of tumor microenvironments. Preparation of single cell suspensions for single cell genomic applications is crucial to obtaining high quality sequencing data. Factors such as poor cell retention and contamination […]

Enhancing Cell Recovery and Debris Removal for Frozen Lymphocytes for Single Cell Multi-Omics

Now Watchinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJQahE_Bf5I Description In this webinar, Dr. Bertrand Yeung and Dr. Antonino Montalbano present their experience using Laminar Wash technology for single-cell genomics and proteogenomics. BioLegend manufactures CITE-Seq assay kits (TotalSeq). A co-developer of the method and Curiox Business Development Director (formally of BioLegend), Dr. Bertrand Yeung explains how extensive cell washing is critical to study […]